How to Zoom Out on Windows 10/11 PC – Here Are Top 5 Methods
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How to Use Zoom Meeting App on Your Computer | NDTV Gadgets .Click "Apply. Ruri Ranbe has been working as a writer since She received an A. Note: In Outlook, the zoom slider zooms only the content in the Reading Pane. Click the headings below for more information.
Note: This procedure isn't available in Excel for the web. As a workaround, consider opening the file in Excel Desktop to change the setting. On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click Zoom , and then enter a percentage or choose any other settings that you want. On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click Fit to Window , which changes the current slide to the size of your PowerPoint window. Note: There also is a Fit to Window button near the zoom slider on the status bar.
On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click Zoom to Selection , which maximizes the view of cells that you've selected.
In the main Outlook window, the zoom slider is the only way to zoom in or out. When you are reading or editing a message, zoom from the ribbon:. In an open message, on the Message tab, in the Zoom group, click Zoom. In the Zoom dialog box, enter a percentage or choose any other settings that you want. Word doesn't save zoom settings in documents.
For more info on the Zoom feature, refer to Zoom in on the iPhone screen. Use Outlook for Android with TalkBack, the built-in Android screen reader, with the Magnification feature of your phone to zoom in, or enlarge, the text of an email and make it easier to read.
This topic assumes that you are using the built-in Android screen reader, TalkBack. To learn more about using TalkBack, go to Android accessibility. Turn on Magnification. In your phone Settings , to open the Accessibility menu, swipe right until you hear "Accessibility," and then double-tap the screen.
To open the Magnification menu, swipe right until you hear "Magnification off," and double-tap the screen. To turn on the Magnification feature, swipe right until you hear "Magnify with triple-tap off," and then double-tap the screen. Swipe right until you hear "Use service, Off, switch," and then double-tap the screen. Magnification is turned on, and you hear: "On. With the Magnification feature on, you can use gestures to enlarge the content of an email in Outlook for Android.
To turn the Magnification feature on, see Turn on Magnification. To magnify the screen and see a specific part of your emails up close, triple-tap the screen with one finger.
You hear the current magnification level. For more info on the Magnification feature, go to Magnification. Use Outlook on the web with your keyboard and a screen reader in your web browser to zoom in, or enlarge, the text of an email or calendar and make it easier to read. We're currently updating Outlook. Some people are already using the new Outlook, and for others the classic version will be the default experience until we complete the update.
For more information, go to Get help with the new Outlook on the web. Since the instructions in this topic apply to the new experience, we recommend that you switch from the classic experience to the new Outlook. If you hear "Command toolbar" instead of "Command, Try the new Outlook," you're already using the new Outlook. When you use Outlook on the web, we recommend that you use Microsoft Edge as your web browser.
Because Outlook on the web runs in your web browser, the keyboard shortcuts are different from those in the desktop program. When reading email, you can use your browser's zoom function to make the text on your screen larger or smaller. Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance.
The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in English, Spanish, French, and American Sign Language. Please go to the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk site to find out the contact details for your region. If you are a government, commercial, or enterprise user, please contact the enterprise Disability Answer Desk. Office Accessibility. A download manager that is an asset to the workplace.
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Zoom in or out of a document, presentation, or worksheet.
Click on the select option and choose one of the views given there; they are Docked , Fullscreen, and Lens. When you are done and want to stop the Magnifier, all you have to do is click on the close option X in the top-left corner.
To get started, follow the steps below:. But, what if you want to zoom into your screen in a certain way? One such specific need can arise while using a browser. The above method will be similar for all the popular browsers, with only slight variations. Alternatively, you can also zoom in and zoom out of your browser with the keyboard shortcuts too. You can also enlarge what you see on your monitor with the help of keyboard shortcuts. However, the only caveat is that these shortcuts will only work on specific apps, such as browsers, Zoom, word processors, and so on.
Related: 24 Jobs That Use Computers. Zooming in can also help you see finer details on your computer screen. For example, if you're editing an image at a pixel level, you may want to zoom in to better see the details of the picture. You might also zoom in to see more details on a map to help you understand a certain driving route.
Zooming out can allow you to display more information on your screen. For example, zooming out on a map shows you more of the area surrounding your location. If you're working with multiple documents, zooming out can help you fit all the documents on the same screen so that you can see them simultaneously. By zooming out, you can fit more things on your screen. Here are five different methods for zooming in and out on your computer:. The keyboard method involves using the plus and minus keys.
On many keyboards, you can find them located next to your "Backspace" button. If you have a number pad on your keyboard, you may also find the plus and minus buttons here. Here's how you can zoom in and out on your computer using your keyboard:. Press the "Control" key. There are typically two "Control" keys on a keyboard, denoted by the letters "ctrl.
Locate the plus and minus keys on your keyboard. If you want to zoom in, press the plus key while holding down the "Control" key. If you want to zoom out, press the minus key while holding down the "Control" key.
Continue to zoom in or out until you reach your desired view. Each time you press one of the plus or minus buttons, the level of zoom increases or decreases. Another way to zoom in or out is by using the scroll wheel on your mouse. If your mouse has one of these wheels located between the left and right buttons, you can use it to zoom in and out by following these steps:. You can keep clicking this button until you reach the desired zoom level. The percentage e. Click the - to zoom out.
As with zooming in, you can keep clicking this button until you're zoomed out to the desired level. You can also zoom out by pressing the Windows key and the - minus key. Click the Views menu to choose where to zoom. The default option is to magnify the entire screen, but you have other options: Lens acts like a magnifying glass that you move around the screen.
Full-screen magnifies the entire screen the default. Docked magnifies a fixed portion of the screen in a bar or box. The zoomed content will appear in the box as you move the cursor around. Go to source.
Click the gear icon to manage your Magnifier preferences. This opens the Magnifier panel in settings, where you can customize Magnifier to your liking.
If you'd like Magnifier to launch automatically when you start your computer, select either Start Magnifier after sign-in or Start Magnifier before sign-in for everyone. To change the default view, select an option from the "Choose a view" menu. Click the X at the top-right corner to close Magnifier.
Method 3. Open a web browser. All web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, have their own built-in zoom options that can be accessed from different menus. Open the web browser's menu. The location of nearly all browser menus is at the upper-right corner of the application. Microsoft Edge: Three horizontal dots Google Chrome: Three vertical dots Mozilla Firefox: There horizontal lines Internet Explorer: If you're using this browser, click the View menu at the top and select the Zoom menu to access the zoom controls.
You'll see a "Zoom" option on the menu of nearly all web browsers. The magnification level e. Clicking on the icon at the extreme right will activate the full screen mode hit F11 to exit full screen mode. It's to the right of "Zoom. Reyhan Palakka. Your screenshot will be on the "pictures" tab on Windows Explorer.
Not Helpful 4 Helpful 3. If you are on Microsoft Edge, you can click the three dots in the top corner and then click the Xoom button five down. If you have a mouse, you can hold CTRL and scroll forwards or backwards to zoom in as well.
Not Helpful 2 Helpful 2. If you click the three dots on the top right corner of the screen, you should see the word zoom. And on the right of the zoom word, you can adjust how you want to zoom. Note that this only works in Microsoft Edge. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 2.
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